This page is a comprehensive archive of all the characters and outfits I put together in Felandia! With an audience on the younger side, I was inspired to let my inner kid run free and make whatever he dared. Check it out!

Felandia is a social roleplaying game that brings old web classics like Animal Jam, Fer.al, Impressive Title and FeralHeart to Roblox. It is set in the sprawling, magical land of Felandia, where the Solaris and Lunaris prides make their home. The game allows players to explore a vast map, dig up buried treasures, meet and interact with various NPCs, decorate a home den, and expansively customise a feline-like creature imbued with Soul Mana.
Koi, 2022
My very first completed character and the beginnings of a long line of purrmaid OCs, Koi (mer/they) is a nosy, fiendish little fish who hangs around in the lakes of Felandia, listening in on the land animals. Though overall laid-back, they can be brash with the secrets they've snuck from the surface. Mer likes to cause drama.
Initially, Koi was made without the advanced colouring gamepass (when that was a thing!) and lacked their striped tail, odd paws, and eye spots! Buying the gamepass was a treat for myself while I was waiting for the public release of FeralHeart Unleashed.

Flamma, 2022
Flamma (he/him) the sun-chaser is an ally to the Solaris lions, as he moves the clouds to clear the sky - always yearning for the sun. As an Eastern loong, (and one of the very few dragons still alive in Felandia) Flamma is considered by some to be a diety. Just as the Lunar Dragon protected the Lunaris pride, there are some who believe Flamma was sent from Sol to guide the Solaris lions into a new age of prosperity.
Alas, Flamma is simply Flamma. He is uninterested in the faith of cats, and acts simply to chase the warmth of his homeland.
Braeburn, 2022
A happy-go-lucky fruitfox grown in an orchard and raised by farmers, Braeburn (he/him) straddles the line between plant and animal life.
Technically, eating him
would be vegan!
Don't tell him
I said that...