press x to bark A pixel art sprite from LEGO Battles Ninjago depicting the four ninja, armed and ready for combat.

hey hi hello!! (wagging my tail and jumping at you) i'm dakota and this is my happy little corner of the internet! i took up neocities as a way to express my creativity and interests without worrying about building an audience, so sorry if my closed off profile seems kinda antisocial. i love people!! i like hogs, dogs, robots and lego and i'm a hardcore gamer/playstation fan with a lot of virtual experiences to share. expect pages on game stuff, alterhuman and fictionkin stuff, pig stuff, dog stuff, tech stuff, and lots and lots of lego!!

lego has a special place in my heart for sticking by me through a tough time in my life! it's encouraged me to be creative, be analytical, and be unashamed of the things that make me happy!! more than a toy line or a bunch of shows that i like, it's a buddy of mine!

one kinda important thing to note is that i'm an autistic coder. my site isn't gonna be groundbreaking levels of awesome just because i'm a tactile/visual learner and it's taken me a hot minute to even figure out how divs work!! but don't worry about me - i'm still having tons of fun and i'm excited to share whatever i can create! in fact, i've even made some simple code bases for my fellow pokers and prodders! go me!!

i'm also a digital artist and a collaborative story writer, but i probably won't be posting much of that here. like i said, i want this site to be full of casual fun!! it's not a portfolio, it's an infodump!

all code on this site is written by me with the help of my big brained buddy anuw. feel free to peek at the source and remix things you like! just please don't steal the graphics i drew, edited myself or paid for.

lego battles ninjago sprites ripped, edited and animated by me!


27/07/24 LOTS of work on my skylanders page & texture mods this week!

22/07/24 heyyyy... website has been pruned some and made private for my mental health!

16/06/23 ah, a big big break... somebody might be wondering where i'm at!! well, i'm at real sorting out some big big updates for me! new computer, new therapist, new meds for my funky nose - don't know when i'll have the time to do site stuff, but here's hoping i'm happy when i get back!

01/01/23 new year, more me! more site!! site updates soon!!! gotta fight against my fear of being seen online and just let myself be!

06/10/22 my landlord won't fix jack in my damn house! no site updates until i know i won't be surfing my bath into my kitchen...

03/10/22 journal and game looks pages are go!! ready for me to plug in my passion!

21/09/22 my aibo infodump page is finally finished and i'm super proud of it!! check it out!!!

08/09/22 with anuw's help, i've now got music toggles across the site!! yayy!!!

31/08/22 started work on my sparkly new frame image!! been ripping sprites and patching them together all day!

26/08/22 the final piece of my piggy page is now perfected!! the pigsonality test is LIVE!!!

22/08/22 remaking my homepage! the first version was made when i was still learning, but now it feels way too similar to my inspirations. i wanna make something original!

17/08/22 PIG! PAGE! BORN! BABY!! HAPPY SWEET FAT OF THE HOG TUESDAY! gonna plug in content over the next week!

12/08/22 ok ok ok not really a site update but i've planned out my piggy page and i'm SUPES excited to work on it! it's gonna have a page about zhu bajie!!!

06/08/22 feeling confident enough with html to make some bases!!! right now i'm setting one up for my best buddy maunder, who's excited to get into neocities with me! and i'm excited to see them here!! :D

02/08/22 started figuring out html by mashing code together from sites and tumblrs i like! y'know, breaking 'em apart, seeing what makes 'em tick & then putting 'em back together!

01/08/22 i signed up to neocities!! hey hi hello!!!

buttons collection

<a href=""><img src=""></a>
A button shaped like an orange kunekune pig. It is covered in brown spots, with some spelling out 'kunekunehog' on its belly. Click to go to Dakota's site! A button with four ninja from LEGO Ninjago against a colourful brickwork background. The word 'kunekunehog' glimmers in red next to them. Click to go to Dakota's site!

stamp collection

A small stamp depicting a fluffy orange pig with the text 'I am a Kunekune' written on top of it. Click to take the pigsonality quiz! A small stamp depicting a fluffy orange Chow Chow dog with the text 'I love Chow Chows' written on top of it. A small stamp depicting a black and tan Shiba Inu with the text 'I love Shiba Inus' written on top of it. A small stamp depicting an orange and white Akita Inu with the text 'I love Akita Inus' written on top of it. A small stamp of the bisexual pride flag. It is magenta, purple and blue. A small stamp of the polyamorous pride flag. It is blue, red and black. A small stamp of the ADHD butterfly symbol atop the ADHD flag. It is red, yellow and orange. A small stamp of the transgender pride flag. It is blue, pink and white. A small stamp depicting a 45,500 year old cave painting of a pig. It has the text 'I love you ancient pig' written on top of it. A small green stamp with the text 'I support the good penis' written on it. A small blue stamp with the text 'I support the evil penis' written on it. A small stamp with a photograph of a puppy licking a Pepsi can on it.

WARNING: flashing gifs below!

blinkie collection

A blinkie that reads 'this user is robotkin' in pink text next to a drawing of a computer. A blinkie that reads 'he/him/it/its' in black text on top of the transgender flag. A blinkie that reads 'it is what it is' in multicoloured text next to the neurodiversity symbol. A blinkie that reads 'aaaa put the pussy in a scarmophoghs' in white text next to a picture of a ghost. A blinkie that reads 'like the legend of the penis' on top of a sparking gold background. A blinkie that reads 'be kind to your computer' in white text next to a drawing of a computer. A blinkie that reads 'I love my friends' in flashing yellow text. A blinkie that reads 'you rattle my bones' in white text next to a picture of two skeletons. A blinkie that reads 'summer days' in orange text next to a drawing of a sunflower. A blinkie that reads 'love is supposed to wear out your fur a little' in black text next to a picture of a brown teddy bear. A blinkie that reads 'peace on earth' in green text next to a picture of two white flowers. A blinkie that reads 'having a whale of a time' in blue text next to a drawing of a whale. A blinkie that reads 'you're telling me a queer coded this?' in green text. A blinkie that reads 'free hugs, one size fits all' in blue text next to a drawing of a teddy bear. A blinkie that reads 'I am loved' in red text next to two hearts. A blinkie that reads 'have a nice day!' in white text next to two smiley faces. A blinkie that reads 'dumbass rights!' in blue text. A blinkie that reads 'artist' in rainbow text next to some paint splatters, music notes, and masks. A blinkie that reads 'friend to dogs' in blue text next to a drawing of a bone pile. A blinkie that reads 'trans rights, baby!' in white text. A blinkie that reads 'I dream in pixels' in black text next to a picture of a cloud. A blinkie that reads 'a beary good friend' in brown text next to a drawing of a yellow teddy bear. A blinkie that reads 'ROFLMAO' in yellow text next to two smiley faces. A blinkie that reads 'friends come in all colours' in rainbow text. A blinkie that reads 'let your true colours shine through' in black text next to a drawing of a blushing blue star. A blinkie that reads 'crazy for robots' in brown text next to pixel art of two grey robots. A blinkie that reads 'world's laziest dragon' next to a very small GIF of a brown dragon. A blinkie that reads 'I want my dog's life' in black text next to pixel art of a brown puppy. A blinkie that reads 'I miss my wife, Tails' in white text as a reference to Snapcube's Real-Time Fandub. A blinkie that reads 'hugs equals happiness' in red text next to a pair of red flowers. A blinkie that reads 'stuffed with love' in curly brown text next to pixel art of a teddy bear. A blinkie that reads 'blinking for peace' in pink text next to a photograph of a white dove in flight. A blinkie that reads 'I will eat your food' in bold, black text. A blinkie that reads 'proud to be me' in pink text next to a rainbow-coloured heart. A blinkie that reads 'PlayStation' in alternating grey and black text. The cross, circle, square and triangle symbols from the PlayStation controller surround the text. A blinkie that reads 'smiley freak' in black text that has been highlighted yellow. Next to it are four pixelart smiley faces depicting happiness, worry and silliness. A blinkie that reads 'you are here' in black text next to pixelart of a red cross. A blinkie that reads 'I was uncool before uncool was cool' in black text that has been highlighted pink. The rest of the blinkie is a pink checkerboard pattern. A blinkie that reads 'I love weekends!' in orange text next to two orange flowers with leaves sprouting at their bases. A blinkie that reads 'sleepy...' in bold black text next to pixel art of two blue flowers. A blinkie that reads 'pet crab eating onion ring' in brown text next to a photograph of a pet crab eating an onion ring. A blinkie that reads 'I'm a chocoholic' in brown text next to a pixel art chocolate bar. A blinkie that reads 'be all you can be' in gold text, with both instances of 'be' being replaced by pixel art of a honey bee. A blinkie that reads 'a life? what's that?' in grey text next to pixel art of a computer with a smiley face on its monitor. A blinkie that reads 'born to surf the net' in alternating white and yellow text. A blinkie that reads 'blinkie madness' in rainbow text against a sparkling black and white background. A blinkie that reads 'I'm gay' in black text against a pastel rainbow background. A blinkie that reads 'PlayStation 2' in the PlayStation 2 font next to the red and blue PlayStation logo. A blinkie that reads 'pixel artist' in small black text next to pixel art of a paintbrush that is scattering loose pixels. A blinkie that reads 'mommy, when I grow up, I want to be a fire lizard trainer' next to pixel art of a dragon that alternates between green, blue, orange and yellow. A blinkie that reads 'sorry about your penis' in muted blue text. A blinkie that reads 'happy being me' in white text next to three smiley faces. A blinkie that reads 'feelin' kinda funky' in purple text against a muted rainbow background. A blinkie that reads 'fun guy' in bold pink text next to pixelart of four pink mushrooms, as a pun on fungi. A blinkie that reads 'hamburger junkie' in orange text next to a photograph of a burger. A blinkie that reads 'addicted to cheese' in black text next to a photograph of a slice of cheese. A blinkie that reads 'cholate for you' in brown text. The entire blinkie is stylised to look like a chocolate bar despite the mispelling. A blinkie that reads 'you ate my cookies!' in brown text. The blinkie has several bites taken out of it. A blinkie that reads 'sending good vibes towards your way' in green text next to a pixel art smiley face. A blinkie that reads 'dinner is ready when the smoke alarm goes off' in white text. A blinkie that reads 'every good friend was once a stranger' in red text next to a smiley face. A blinkie that reads 'be cool' in cyan text next to squashed pixel art of a smiley face wearing sunglasses. A blinkie that reads 'big dog lover' in bold white text next to a picture of a brown and tan dog. A blinkie that reads 'broken blinkie' in neon green text that shuts off and falls from the face of the blinkie. A blinkie that reads 'I'm wacky and tacky' in curly white text. A blinkie that reads 'I love comfort food' next to pixel art of a cheese sandwich and a hamburger. A blinkie that reads 'wazzup!!!' in bold black text as a reference to the old  Anheuser-Busch Budweiser ad campaign. A blinkie that reads 'lost my marbles' in black text next to scattered multicoloured marbles. A blinkie that reads 'what colour is the sky on your planet?' next to a picture of saturn and pluto. A blinkie that reads 'perpetual bloomer' in yellow text next to pixel art of white flowers and yellow leaves. A blinkie that reads 'slinky blinky' followed by a short animation of a slinky crossing the blinkie's length. A blinkie that reads 'I live in my PJs' in green text. A blinkie that reads 'best friends' in pink text next to pixel art of two fox-like creatures, one orange and one blue. A blinkie that reads 'I love my friends' in pink text. The word love is depicted as a heart with a smiley face. A blinkie that reads 'hug a cow!' in brown text next to pixel art of a white and brown cow. A blinkie that reads 'attracted to shiny objects' in white text against a shiny purple background. A blinkie that reads 'the meaning of life is to give life meaning' in pink text. A blinkie that reads 'bring me luck!' in brown text next to pixel art of a pink pig's head. A blinkie that reads 'don't worry, be happy!' in yellow text next to a rainbow-coloured smiley face. A blinkie that reads 'I believe in dragons' in a red fantasy font next to a small pencil drawing of a dragon. A blinkie that reads 'I want the source code for life' in white text next to a puzzled-looking smiley face. A blinkie that reads 'when in doubt, take a nap!' in rainbow text. A blinkie that reads 'even a small star shines in the darkness' in white text. In each corner of the blinkie sits a yellow star. A blinkie that reads 'I love making graphics' in black text. A blinkie that reads 'home sweet homepage' in blue text next to two blue pixel art hearts. A blinkie that reads 'nosey little bastard, aren't you?' in blue text, indicating the end of the blinkie section.

lego family

A small pixelart gif of Zane from LEGO Ninjago walking to the right. A small pixelart gif of Cole from LEGO Ninjago walking to the right. A small pixelart gif of Kai from LEGO Ninjago walking to the right. A small pixelart gif of Jay from LEGO Ninjago walking to the right. A small pixelart gif of Wu from LEGO Ninjago walking to the right. A small pixelart gif of Nya from LEGO Ninjago walking to the right.